PRISE Objectives
Project Overview
Advisory Panel
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Advisory Panel
The main task of the Advisory Panel is to provide early feedback on major PRISE Project results from their expertise and professional perspective. The Advisory Panel will also assist PRISE in focusing on its scientific direction and increasing the overall value and potential use of the PRISE project results.
Colin Bennett, Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria, Canada
Colin Bennett received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Wales, and his Ph.D from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 1986 he has taught in the Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria, where he is now Professor. From 1999-2000, he was a fellow with the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
More information here and on his personal homepage.
Caspar Bowden, Chief Privacy Advisor EMEA, Microsoft EMEA Technology Office
Caspar Bowden leads the privacy pillar of the Trustworthy Computing initiative across Europe, Middle-East and Africa. His goal is to ensure that users of Microsoft products and services are in control of their personal data and that fair information practices are respected. He is a specialist in data protection policy, privacy enhancing technology research, identity management and authentication. He was formerly director of the Foundation for Information Policy Research, an independent think-tank that studies the interaction between computers and society, and promotes public understanding and dialogue between UK and European civil society and policy-makers in the fields of e-commerce, copyright, law enforcement and national security, e-government, cryptography and digital signatures. He was appointed expert adviser to the UK parliament for the passage of three bills concerning privacy issues, and was co-organizer of the influential Scrambling for Safety public conferences on UK encryption and surveillance policy. His previous career over two decades ranged from investment banking (proprietary trading risk-management for option arbitrage), to software engineering (graphics engines and cryptography), including work for Goldman Sachs, Microsoft Consulting Services, Acorn, Research Machines, and IBM.
Leo Hennen, Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany
Sociologist, 1991 - 2006 project manager at the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Parliament (TAB).
Currently: Co-ordinator of the European Technology Assessment Group (ETAG). The group carries out TA projects on behalf of the European Parliament.
Homepage of the European Technology Assessment Group (ETAG)
Gus Hosein, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Gus Hosein is an expert on international technology policy relating to privacy and civil liberties. He is a Visiting Fellow in Information Systems at the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also a Senior Fellow at Privacy International where he leads advocacy and research on anti-terrorism policies and international policy regimes. He holds a B.Math from the University of Waterloo and a PhD from the University of London.
For more information please see and his personal website at
Birgitte Kofoed Olsen, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark
Birgitte Kofoed Olsen holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. She has been working with the Danish Center for Human Rights from 1998 to 2002. Since 2003 she is Director of Department at the Danish Institute for Human Rights. For further information please see her personal homepage.
Søren Duus Østergaard, Senior eGovernment Advisor, IBM, Denmark
Søren Duus Østergaard (61) is a Senior eGovernment Advisor for IBM in Europe, Middle East and Africa, a position he has held for the last 8 years. He is a Master Economist from Copenhagen University, School of Economics in 1970, has been employed by IBM since then in a number of management positions: Marketing training Manager for IBM Nordics, Marketing Manager for Local Government, Denmark, For Health Care, later for Education and Science, and Business Development Manager for the Public Sector in Denmark. Also he has held the position of a Multimedia Manager for IBM Nordics, and EU Programme Manager for IBM. He has participated in a number of EU projects, as a partner since the European Nervous System, as an evaluator in the INFO2000 and IMPACT II programs and as an external specialist in the 6th framework's program for trust and confidence.
At IBM he has worked with secure infrastructure, privacy, smart cards since 1989. This also covers secure trade lanes, anti-terror solutions, border control solutions, smart cards/biometrics.
Also since many years he is — besides being a member of the Danish Board of Technology, representing Danish Industry — an external censor for Copenhagen Business School and for the IT University of Denmark in topics such as Applied Financial Management, e-Business, Enterprise Architecture, Philosophy, Information Economics.
Andreas Schmidt, German Federal Ministry for the Interior (BMI), Office of the Chief Information Officer, Division for IT-Security, Germany
Andreas Schmidt is an IT-security specialist with a degree in computer sience. From 1999-2001 he was a scientific officer in the Independent State Centre for Data Protection Schleswig-Holstein ( Afterwards he was a specialist and project manager for secure E-Government in the German Federal Office for Information Security ( Since 2005 he is associated the divison for IT-Security in the German Federal Ministry for the Interior ( He is engaged for Critical IT-Infrastructure Protection, Trusted Computing and technical aspects of IT-Security.
Michaël Vanfleteren, European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), Belgium
Michaël Vanfleteren has a degree in law from the Université Catholique de Louvain and a post-graduate degree in law (LLM) from the University College London. He previously worked as trainee in the data protection unit of the European Commission and as legal researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He is currently working as legal adviser at the secretariat of the European Data Protection Supervisor.
Homepage of the European Data Protection Supervisor